Sunday, May 21, 1:00PM
Hartland Performing Arts Center
9525 E Highland Rd, Howell, MI 48843
• The full performance will be made available for purchase @ $50 per order, per email address; and/or you may order individual dance(s). One email per order only.
• For example, if you select 2 individual numbers and wish to send to two individual emails, we need to know the dance title of the number and each of the two emails: this will cost $70.
• Another example, if you wish to send the full performance to three individual emails, we need to know each of those emails, and the order will cost $150.
• Order forms will be available before, during, and immediately after the performance.
• Digital Files will be delivered to your email with a password protected link on or before Sunday June 18, 2023.
• You may download the each video 2 times, for each device you own.